Life Aboard

A Little Grit Goes A Long Way

We love reading about the experiences of our students as they’re adapting to life aboard a Sea|mester vessel. Recently, Argonaut Lexy Isaksen shared with us a few of her thoughts and images from the midway point of her voyage aboard S/Y Argo. We were stricken by her talent for writing and photography, so we’re sharing a little with you!

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So without further ado, Lexy:

50 Days Down – 40 To Go

The 20-day Atlantic crossing is in a few days and I’m humbled by the experience I’ve had so far. I will forever worship having warm showers, access to a laundry machine, a dishwasher, a toilet you don’t have to hand pump 50 times, and a dry bed to sleep in that’s not a shelf you get thrown out of from waves. It’s incredible to see how a group of people can come together as a team and crank out a 12 am – 4 am boat watch despite it being rough seas or pouring rain when you are down a few members due to fevers. They told us from day one that there are no passengers on Argo, only crew members. There have been so many moments of complete weakness and longing for the comfort of home, for simple things like sleeping in past 7 am but none of that matters because we are all going through it together. Cooking, cleaning, studying, sailing, puking of seasickness – together. It’s not about the traveling, sailing, or diving like I thought it would be. It’s about building a community, a family – growing and overcoming together.

Study Abroad Gap Year Adventure

Ready to Sail?