
Location: Underway

Today was our second day underway on our passage to the British Virgin Islands. Things have been going pretty smoothly so far. Argo isn’t rocking too much, classes have been swelling, and the meals have been quite phenomenal. Everything was all set up for a regular day out at sea, but wait a minute! Today is April 1st! This was the perfect opportunity to quench our thirst for some good ole’ fashion fun. Milk for our morning cereal was switched to water, spoons were hidden, the job wheel was tampered with, and fake dummies named Jimmy were used. My personal favorite was telling the crew that our 5-day passage to the B.V.I.s was going to become a 10-day passage, some of the usual sea-sickers were upsets, others were excited to sail. Many were more upset because someone thought it would be a great prank to hide all of our personal snacks (and especially with this crew, snacks are a crucial part of surviving passages). Everything was all sorted out by the time we gathered for the squeeze question and the day ended with a great meal of hamburgers and hotdogs (and a veggie burger for Hannah S).