Location: Bali
I can guarantee the fact that everyone had a deep slumber after yesterday’s tiring but fun drill day. Thankfully we woke up to some reinvigorating, nourishing, and nutritious pancakes! Today is another big day for us. Open water divers are taking their test, any other divers are studying for their next classes, we have to get Argo all prepared for her next passage to start across the Indian Ocean and we have a mystery guest speaker tonight after dinner! After a rather up in the air game plan, all is going well and on a schedule again. A repaired radar means we get to keep on with the Indian Ocean portion of the trip, so after one final free day in Bali, it’s off to Christmas Island (where, they ironically and I, unfortunately, don’t celebrate Christmas on a daily basis). The passage to Christmas Island is a three to four-day sail depending on any number of factors, but I know everyone is itching to bounce off this dock and get back to the simplicity and beautiful sunsets that come with being alone out in the open ocean living passage life. Bali has quickly become a favorite stop for most of the crew, but it can only get better from here.