
Location: Underway to Tonga

To all my fellow Seamester buddies’ families? I first want to let you know we all are missing home and can not wait to see all of your beautiful faces in less than two months. Today, half of the crew went for a glorious hike through the Rarotonga wilderness. After trekking for 3 hours, they finally reached the waterfall! While they were hiking, many stayed back at the boat to finish their Autobiographies due for Ms. Leah’s class. I am sure you all were mentioned in them, so be sure to ask for them when we get home! Ellie, aka me, proceeded to lead the most smooth, efficient, and fun passage prep we have had yet. I am so proud of every person on this boat. We all are such hard workers and could not have accomplished all that we have without each and every one of us. We then pushed off the dock to begin our 800-plus nautical mile passage to Tonga. The beginning of six days of falling in the bathroom, rollin’ and rockin’ in our bunks, all the days mixing together, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you all for keeping up with the blog; it makes us feel loved and supported. Bunny, I love you so much and feel your hugs all day long! Sammy and Suz are my best friends in the entire world. I miss you so much. Dad, I love you and Frankie. Yay, wedding, here we come!! Sending love and hugs to you all.