
Location: St. Vincent

Today, we woke up off of the coast of St Vincent and were pleased to see that yesterday’s weather seemed to have passed. After breakfast, we were given three choices for the day: help provision (get food), help with chores on the boat, and finally, hike up the volcano that created St Vincent. Most chose to hike up the volcano. We had an hour-long taxi ride along St. Vincent’s coasts and through her small towns. We passed both white and black sand beaches and drove under banana trees. The hike itself was of moderate difficulty and had some unreal views, at least until we entered the clouds. At that point, the hike got a bit more difficult since we could only see a few feet in front of us at some points. It also got steeper, and sometimes there was no trail to follow, just stream beds on the old lava flow. There was a tremendous amount of wind once we reached the top. We could only get a view in between clouds that the wind was blowing over the top. Of course, when we did get that break between clouds, the lush green crater was a breathtaking sight below us. We all decided that we would eat our packed lunch on top of the volcano despite the wind and chill. By the time we made it back down and got back to Ocean Star, it was dinnertime. We quickly showered and ate and then proceeded to have a nap, for we had to get up at 11:00 pm for our night passage to St. Lucia.