
Location: Les Saintes

Today was an “off” day aboard Argo for me.
Being our crew’s skipper for the day, I woke up late and was greeted by the swampy embrace of heat exhaustion once I climbed aboard deck. While I planned to approach the day with a can-do attitude, I fell short and grew anxious by lunchtime. However, Captain Calum and Laurie, a member of the Williams-Mystic program aboard Argo, motivated me to emerge from my bunk and approach the afternoon with pride. From there, I swam in the aquamarine waters of Les Saintes (but was stung by some silly little hyphoids) with peers and Argo crew, engaged in science and history lessons, and climbed atop midship bunk hatches to assist with sailing maneuvers.

Tomer, our captain-in-training, crafted a Swiss breakfast for the Argo crew today, consisting of a dish one would typically dread consuming: muesli. Tomer, however, must be a magician because his fruity muesli was invigorating; so was his avocado-chocolate mousse that he surprised Argo with at the end of dinner. Despite the rocky start to my day, I was supported by the community I’ve formed among my Mystic peers and the Argo crew from Sea|mester to make my time aboard Argo count.