Location: St. Kitts
We were still sailing on our passage to St. Kitt’s as another beautiful sunrise grew over the horizon this morning, a clear message that it would be another great day for the crew of the Ocean Star. We sailed past St. Eustatia getting some amazing views of the island as flying fish jumped along side us. Boat watch after boat watch our crew would inspect all decks and continue to plot our destination on our charts one watch team at a time as we neared our destination. These watch teams give our crew a chance to divide up and take control of the boat while everyone else gets to lay their heads in security their crew is sailing them in the right direction and checking to make sure everything is gravy everywhere on the ship. It also gives us a chance to learn more about our fellow crew and most importantly, gives everyone an opportunity to sail Ocean Star in all of her glory. Something I definitely won’t be forgetting. We pulled up into Basseterre, St. Kitt’s. After all lines were made it was time for some Boat Appreciation time. For everyone that hasn’t owned a boat this means making our Ocean Star look like the sexy sea queen that she is by soap scrubbing and a little wax on wax off action. After we got her shining, we received some very good news everyone was anticipating. I can’t begin to explain the happiness from everyone when the crew heard the words “shore heads and showers”. After our vessel and crew were clean we had some down time to pre-write emails and contact love ones, making the most of the WIFI we had. Before we sat down for the amazing pork roast prepared by our captain himself to celebrate Van’s 22nd birthday, everyone took the opportunity to take in the amazing sunset before our eyes. Besides everything they told us we would learn and places we would see before joining this amazing voyage, the sheer beauty of the nature around us is enough to make you pause and realize how much pleasure something as simple as a sunset, albeit colorful and stunningly beautiful sunset, can give you. The pork roast was delicious and during it everyone was given a pork related nickname; Will.I.Ham, the Boarax, Bloghog, and myself being J.Pork are just some to name a few. As the moon began to rise, things started to quiet down bringing the end to another great day aboard Ocean Star and our academic adventure through the Caribbean. Adios for now.