
Location: Curacao

Once more, the young men and women of Argo faced the arduous task of waking up to another pristine morning in paradise. After woofing down a breakfast of bacon, egg, and cheese, we settled below to practice reviving each other in a CPR class led by Sam; soon after, we were interrupted by a long-awaited customs agent. Again, twenty-nine of us lined up on the starboard rail to answer yet another funnyman in uniform who made each of us a lackluster comment; we all obliged a smile. With that, we were free to roam the island of Curacao, and we roamed; some went provisioning, some went to the open-air tourist markets, and many utilized the Hyatt accommodations. Some of us took to the most excellent golf course; however, our outing was interrupted by a torrential bout of rain that passed overhead within minutes, leaving a cool effect coupled with a shiny glimmer over all the greenery. Nearly all of us made it back in time for one last swim before ending the day with a dinner of penne pasta. As a way of remembering the great men and women before us, we held hands and told each other who from history we most desired to have dinner with. We then retreated below for a rather challenging marine biology exam. Tomorrow, we set our sails and make our way north by northwest to Jamaica.