Location: Savannah Bay, Virgin Gorda
Last night was our first night of standing anchor watch, which consists of one person being awake in hour shifts to make sure the anchor doesn’t come loose and start dragging. We woke up this morning to a wonderful breakfast of scrambled eggs with green peppers and onions. After cleaning up, the new open water divers continued their training while most of everyone else went to enjoy the beautiful beach. A few hours later, everyone came back, and we had lunch. Our lunch cleanup was followed by our first Oceanography class with Laurie, where we had a lab consisting of a hike across the island, making various observations about the things around us. On the other side of the island, some of us climbed a big rock that was sitting 5 meters into the ocean. Everyone had a blast, and we cooled off in the water before heading back to Ocean Star. Once onboard, we showered in the ocean and had free time until we had a delicious dinner of pasta Alfredo, salad, and garlic bread. Tonight, we are getting ready to have our first EFR (Emergency First Responder) class! Farewell from Ocean Star!