Location: Tobago Cays
Our second full day in the Tobago Cays was jam-packed with classes but also left ample time for studying, relaxing, and water sports. The day began with a classic breakfast of cereal and yogurt, followed by Oceanography, where the students handed in their first take-home quiz. The class covered geologic oceanography, which studies the make-up of the earth, along with the topography of the ocean floor. After OCE, students were encouraged to learn windsurfing. Many students claimed that keeping their balance was the hardest part, but with fair wind and calm seas, many were able to sustain forward momentum for a good amount of time. Lunch came early, around 11:30, and featured delicious grilled cheese sandwiches. Next up was a Maritime Education course where we learned the procedure for retrieving a Man Over Board and also the ways in which you dock a vessel, either side-on or Mediterranean style (stern to dock). A siesta hour followed, and then it was study time, which was much needed. Many students felt that the allotted study time allowed them to catch up on homework or sleep, which, with our amazing schedule, can sometimes be hard to come by. The day finished with everyone gathering on the stern to watch the movie White Squall, directed by Ridley Scott, in our ship’s movie theater (projector and white sheet up in the rig). It’s about a group of students living on a school ship sailing halfway around the world! Sound familiar?