
Click on the appropriate link to download your academic materials in PDF format.

Voyages the include the Oceanography and/or Marine Biology classes

These PDF files are full color versions. It is a personal decision whether to print a paper copy or work from a digital copy. Some choose to print in black and white, some in color. Some spiral bound the notes and some place in a three-ring binder. Make your decisions based on how you learn best.

Course Name Course Code Materials
Introduction to Oceanography OCE 2002 DOWNLOAD STUDENT NOTES (v2.3.1)
Introduction to Marine Biology OCB 1001 DOWNLOAD STUDENT NOTES (v3.6)

Students who have been accepted into the Professional Skipper and Crew Training Course (PSCT)

You must bring a printed, full color copy of the IYT Master of Yachts 200-Ton course notes with you to the vessel, you cannot work from a digital copy alone, but we suggest loading the PDF on to your computer also. We suggest that you have an office supply store print and spiral bind this for you with a clear plastic front and back cover.

Course Name Course Code Materials
Professional Skipper & Crew Training – Master of Yachts 200-Ton Theory Notes PSCT DOWNLOAD STUDENT NOTES (v2021)