Food for thought|Voyage Preparation

Scholarships: Funding Your Travel Without Selling A Kidney

We live in an incredible time for travel.

Social media has virtually connected every corner of our planet, and now more than ever people are realizing the benefits of packing a bag and hitting the ol’ dusty trail. Exploring new cultures, making new friends, discovering passions you didn’t even know you had – the list of reasons to travel is infinite. Some scholars even argue that travel just might be the answer to putting aside our differences and bridging cultural gaps that have divided societies for generations. For some, travel is so enrapturing that they have devoted their entire life to the pursuit.

But dig deep enough into any traveler’s plan and pretty soon you’ll start to realize a theme among them: How do the bills get paid?

It’s an age-old question amongst the wandering that requires a considerable bit of forethought. Unexpected traveling expenses can squash even the most adventurous of spirits, and resisting the stretching of your carefully planned budget can prove quite difficult with a growling, empty stomach. (Seriously, try walking through an Ecuadorian food market around dinner time and tell me you don’t want to eat everything within reach.) It’s no secret: Traveling can be expensive.

Fortunately, however, options abound for the modern traveler! And we’re not talking about selling your kidney so you can see Prague. We’re talking about ways to fund your travel legitimately. For those willing to put in the work, scholarships offer a great way to finance your soon-to-be travel addiction. And to make it a step easier, we’ve taken some time to find a virtual treasure trove of great scholarships! Study abroad directory “GoOverseas” recently updated their running list of over 60 active scholarships – all ripe for the picking – so head over to their website and check them out! Funding your dream just might be closer than you think.


Shaun’s passion for adventure and exploration was sparked at a young age through frequent camping trips in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains and surfing trips in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Through a variety of jobs in the realms of education, marine science and adventure guiding, Shaun has sought to broaden not only his own horizons, but also the horizons of his students through immersive and experiential education. Currently, Shaun aims to inspire environmental awareness, conservation, and stewardship in the marine ecosystem by combining his interests in photography, journalism, and media.