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Welcome to Argo's Spring 2013 Voyage from the BVIs to Tahiti

Location: West End, Tortola, BVI

It has been a busy day of traveling for the new crew of Argo. After multiple flights, a ferry ride for a few, and a taxi ride for all, the journey concluded with the beautiful sight of Argo flying her Seamester flag high and proud in her rigging. A large part of the afternoon was spent unpacking, enjoying some time on the bowsprit, talking with all the other new crew members, and enjoying the warm Caribbean sun. Now, as the night winds down, we wait for our last few remaining crew members to arrive so that tomorrow we can begin our exploration of the British Virgin Islands and the seas beyond. Over the next few days, it will be quite difficult for us to get the internet to post blogs, so be sure to check back in a few days when we are able to post pictures and the previous days' blogs written by the skipper of the day.