Today was a long day. I woke everyone up at 7:00, and we quickly ate breakfast to get to BA. We were split up into different groups for different tasks such as dive gear, anchor locker, laz, and bilges. Alexandra, Penelope, Emma, and I worked on the bilges. We had to take everything out and do a deep clean. As we were cleaning, Emma was sweet and got us cold drinks and ice cream. We were all so thankful for that since we were all covered in sweat. Unfortunately, while I was cleaning the salon bilge, a bucket of dirty, sponged water fell on me.
It went in my mouth and my hair and did not taste good, lol. We also had a quick lunch, and cold drinks were delivered then, too! We sat on the chart house because the cockpit had a lot of tools and parts from BA. We jumped straight back into bilges afterward and carved it out til about 5:30. I wrangled up everyone, and we had dinner and dessert, and my squeeze was appreciation and "If the person to your right was a dog breed, what would they be?". Melina said I would be a chihuaua or one of those tiny white dogs, other answers were poodle, golden retriever, dalmation, etc. It was so funny. This trip has overall been the most amazing thing I have experienced. My heart is SO full. All of the students, especially the staff, have been the best people I've ever met in my entire life. I don't know what I did to deserve them :) I love you all so much if you are reading this <££