Summer Begins!
Location: West End, BVI
Ocean Star has been patiently waiting for this day since the end of April when she first entered in BVI. The excitement has been building throughout the day as we prepared to welcome our shipmates on board for the first time this summer. Although the time between semesters is appreciated to maintain Ocean Star in top condition, all the staff have been looking forward to this moment for the past few weeks as she feels strangely empty between semesters.
Bunks were made, the food bins were filled, and we were ready to welcome our 14 new crew aboard. Rachel and Alicia were the first to join us, making themselves at home, unpacking their bags, and squirreling away all of their belongings. After a quick line crash course, they jumped in to help us raise the dinghy and get our lines squared away on deck. As early evening drew on, our remaining 12 students appeared at the end of the dock, lugging their heavy bags and glad to be at the end of a long day traveling! Soon everyone began to settle to life aboard their new home for the next 20 days. Everyone started to unpack and got to know their way around. By evening everyone was chatting in the salon where stories were told, and everyone discussed what they most looked forward to on the trip. After dinner, everyone was quickly acquainted with life aboard, jumping straight into boat life and after-dinner clean-up. A talk on "how to survive Ocean Star for the night" followed, ahead of all of our boat and life aboard introductions tomorrow.
It is great to have the boat filled with chatter and laughter again, and we are all so excited to take Ocean Star off the dock tomorrow and begin our adventure!
Ocean Star staff (left to right): Steve (Captain), Tom (Chief Mate), Amy (Program Manager), Alex (Instructor)
The salon all ready to go
The beautiful sunset we enjoyed over dinner