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It Begins!

Location: West End, British Virgin Islands

Today marks the awaited arrival of our shipmates for the 40-day voyage down to Dominica. Ocean Star has been sitting on the dock having last-minute preparations done by her staff for the past few days. The shipmates have been turning up throughout the afternoon, with Sage being the first to come aboard. As more and more started to arrive, bags were unpacked, bunks settled into, and dive gear was handed out and hung in the Lazz. Friendships start to form with all the introductions made, and Ocean Star is returning to her lively, vibrant self.

Following dinner, the Squeeze was introduced to our new group. The Squeeze is a tradition where everyone comes together, and the skipper of the day poses any question they wish as well as your appreciation of the day. It's a nice closing moment to every day that we have on board.

With everyone heading to bed early after a day of travel, we are excited to leave the dock tomorrow and really begin our adventure.