
Location: Denarau, Fiji

The last day of anticipation. Today will be the last day of all of the things we’ve become accustomed to at the dock and around Fiji. No more jump-in showers, no more martingale time, no more hammocks at night. Tomorrow we trade these things for the night sky and the horizon. Off we go, into the other deep blue yonder.

Anticipation ruled the boat today, as people woke up and made calls to home, expecting not to talk to anyone except our boat family for the next 20 or so days. Despite all the sail handling, all the provisioning, and all the excitement, it seems like people aren’t really sure if they’re ready or not. We could be, but how can we really know? It feels like standing on the edge of a cliff having only just been given wings and being told to fly. Who knows, maybe we’ll figure it out. The 25 people around me have formed a society that has begun to pass its first stage, and they welcome me every morning with my favorite thing, chaos. You’d think being around the same people non-stop for this long would be a catalyst for getting to know people quickly, and don’t get me wrong, it is, but I’ve also realized just how long it takes to truly know someone. I’ve made so many good friends, but there are still so many left to go. A week ago, I had thought I was already there. What a wonderful thing boat life is. And what a wonderful thing it is to not know what the next morning might bring, beyond the chickpeas I’ve set out for tomorrow’s falafel – oy vey.

1. Tyler staring into the light
2. Will
3. Will and ~ Max
4. Max
5. Max and Chloe with a yellow box
6. Tim staring into the light
7. Cole and Max staring into the light
8. Annie staring into the light