
Location: Horta, Azores

Today was another great one in the Azores. We’re now over halfway through the trip. I woke everyone up at 7:30 for a breakfast of granola and met afterward to talk about what we were going to do for the day. We discussed how we had to wait for covid results to return before clearing customs and finally being let onshore. Most of the boat gathered in the salon and watched blue planet while popcorn and other snacks were made. This leads all the way up to lunch as we were still awaiting all of the results to return.

After lunch cleanup, we met again in hopes of hearing some good news. We finally got all of our covid tests back and were cleared through customs, and were able to step foot on shore at last. All of us rushed to gather our things so we could explore this beautiful island. I went ashore with two other people. We started our exploration into town, looking for things to do. We took a stop at a small ice cream shop and ate our ice cream in a nearby park. There were beautiful views from where we sat. Soon after, we wandered around and found a shop to buy some little trinkets and useful items for the boat before finding a place to eat dinner. The three of us walked to the dinner place and sat down for some steak with another beautiful view. We met up with two others, making our group five, and they got some food. We realized that we were going to be cutting it close to make the curfew to be back on the boat.

The five of us paid and had to run some of the ways back, but we still made it in time. Soon we gathered everyone in the cockpit to celebrate Darius’s birthday with cake. Now, most of us are watching the third Harry Potter movie before we turn in for the night. Have a great night all. (Hi Deci :3)

Photo 1: Kaleigh and Fitz in Horta
Photo 2: Streets of Horta
Photo 3: (Top) Jessie, Ines, Alexa, Darius, Wyatt, Cam. (Bottom) Anna, Ceci, Paige, Josh
Photo 4: Ceci, Ines, Alexa, Anna
Photo 5: Darius and Paige pointing out the Azores on the world map