
Location: Muskmelon Bay

At 7 am today, just like every day, we started our day with some cereal – still feeling groggy from the night before! Around 8:00, we got ready for our day, preparing for the dive. We splashed around 8:15 and swam along the surface towards this beautiful rock face to descend on. On the dive, we saw many different types of coral and some cool fish. There was some brain coral and also some fan coral. We were hoping to see a trunkfish, although we did not see any. There were some other shipmates that also snorkeled around some caves for a while, playing some water games. Soon it was time for lunch. We had some sandwich wraps, which tasted great thanks to our chefs. After lunch, the second group of divers prepared and splashed for their dive. At the same time, the open water divers had finally finished all of their dives needed for their certifications. Once both the second group of divers and the open water divers returned, we were able to sit down for dinner, which was stir-fry, thanks again to the chefs. After squeeze and dinner clean-up, most of the crew joined in a card game below deck. Later on, we discussed our plan of what to do for the rest of our time in the BVIs before turning in for the night. Overall today, I had a great time chilling out for most of the day with my shipmates, looking forward to seeing Road Town tomorrow.