Location: Mystic, CT
Today everyone successfully boarded S/Y Argo. Excited for the future to come, we all unpacked and anxiously learned each others’ names. And we also took anti-Covid showers because safety never takes a holiday aboard Argo. Like many others, I found I may or may not have slightly overpacked. Not a problem, though, because you can never be too prepared! We checked in with Amanda in the chart house, stowed our dive gear in the laz, started learning our way around the boat, and, more importantly, started to learn each other’s names. It’s a lot harder than we thought learning names and faces when everyone is wearing masks, but we will get there. Head Chef Lolo cooked up some amazing pesto pasta with a gorgeous salad. Stuffed from dinner, we gathered together, keeping Covid-19 in mind. We learned more about each other and our new home, Argo. I was further hit with some shocking news that using the heads requires a “50 pump flush,” but not to worry as this will be by substitute exercise routine for the voyage. I, along with the rest of the ship, am excited for the journey ahead and the amazing experiences we will all share.
Pictured: Argo staff waiting for our arrival; clean and tidy boat; unpacking and playing games in the salon; our arm workout for the semester.