
Location: Roseau, Dominica

What’s goin on!! Probably missed us the last few days, but we’ve been having too much fun. We had a long day today, which started by taking the dinghies into shore for our tour of the island, tasting all the fruit. This guy named Seacat picked us up and took us on the tour. I’d give us about 10 minutes of coastline views before one of our vans broke down, and we sat on a residential hill for about an hour, soaking up the views. Once we got a new ride, we were back on our way downtown moving fast to the first assortment of fruits which I could not tell you the names of, only that one was super sour, and another was just amazing. We drove to the Atlantic side of the island, where we saw some surfable waves, and stopped at a waterfall in preparation for the next waterfall, which is something out of a movie (like Pirates of the Caribbean). The local shops at the first waterfall had local clothes, artifacts, necklaces, and other cool things. When we got back on the road, we ended up at a house that was cooking the best chicken you could have, along with seemingly endless coconut water and breadfruit. Now that we are all energized, we made it to probably one of the most stunning places I have ever been. This waterfall was 120ft high, at the top of this valley, with steep cliffs and huge boulders around us. We had no clue what we were expecting, and were jaw dropped once we came around a corner and saw this waterfall. There was a hot spring under the waterfall, hotter than most hot tubs. On the way down, KT, Carli, and Kebo took a detour and ended up fighting off fire ants that, I would say, won. With bags full of fruit smuggled back to the boat, we ate our pasta and called it a day.

Take it easy:)
Skippa Sean

Photo 1: Happy Doggo
Photo 2: Happy Sean
Photo 3: Happy Gunnar
Photo 4: Happy Sydney
Photo 5: Happy Waring, Carli, and KT
Photo 6: Sick waves, prolly could surf em if I got a board
Photo 7: Album cover for Charlie
Photo 8: Happy Heather
Photo 9: Our guy Seacat
Photo 10: This is what a starfruit looks like
Photo 11: Starfruit tastes good
Photo 12: Sick view
Photo 13: Banana
Photo 14: Another Banana
Photo 15: Sick view #2
Photo 16: Fresh Coconut
Photo 17: Alexis finished this entire coconut
Photo 18: Lizard
Photo 19: Waterfall #1
Photo 20: The crew conquering waterfall #2
Photo 21: The conquered waterfall #2
Photo 22: This is Charlie