Location: Grenada to Carriacou
We had a wonderful day sailing aboard Ocean Star. We woke up in Prickly Bay just off of Grenada and prepped the boat for a day of passage. We raised the sails in good time while still at anchor and prepared to head north for the first time this trip! Since this was only a day’s passage, we kept our watches short at just an hour and a half for each team. However, it was so lovely out, and most of us stayed up on deck for the majority of the day. We reached our destination, a small island called Carriacou, just as the Caribbean sun was setting. We dropped anchor off of a beautiful small sandy island and had a pasta Bolognese dinner excellently prepared by James and Brooke. Currently, the crew of Ocean Star is singing the Star-Spangled Banner (to Kris and Nick’s chagrin) as clean-up hurries along. Tonight, everyone has some time to study, shower, and catch up on sleep. Life is fantastic down here; we all send our best back home. Check in soon for more news from OStar as we start our trek north!