
Location: Nelson's Dockyard, Antigua

Today on the adventures of Ocean Star and her crew, not many eventful things occurred outside of school life; we were focused on class but we still all woke up in the beautiful Caribbean, so I cant complain. We all started our day off with a quick bagel for breakfast before heading straight into Oceanography class and Emergency First Responder Secondary Care class. These classes lasted until noon, where we all were then given free time on shore until 17:30. Many of us quickly found the closest restaurant for lunch, and afterward, we all scattered into small groups. Some of us went exploring around Nelsons Dockyard and the nearby town, while others went back to Ocean Star to catch up on sleep and classwork. Once all the crew had returned from their free time, we mustered for a dinner of baked ziti. As I write this now, we are cleaning dishes and preparing for Seamanship class, which will close out a much more relaxed day on Ocean Star than we are now accustomed to.