Location: Somewhere in the Indian Ocean
Hello Friends, Family, and Everyone else who is interested in our journey
We’ve left the Seychelles behind us and are making our way southwest to south Africa. As we are getting back into the swing of passage life, we are getting adjusted to our daily routines of watch rotations, cheffing, and school work. Again, we are trying to get adjusted to the rolling of the boat; I’m sure it’ll take us a couple of days to find our sea legs. Even though the seas have been a bit rough today, everyone was in good spirits and even the ones that struggled with seasickness in the morning felt fine as dinner rolled around.
On last night’s watch, students found an injured bird that must have collided with the main mast and most likely broke its wing, but the students were determined to save its life. Robbie carefully transferred it into a bucket and even gave it its fish back, which he must have lost during the collision. While the sun was rising, we felt like it was time for the bird to stretch its wings. After the bird hobbled across the deck, Robbie picked it up and gave it a little push before the bird decided to fly off into the distance … we hope he made it. Farewell, little bird!
That’s it for now. We’ll be back tomorrow with more stories from Vela.
Much Love,
Photos- All by Dylan Hardt:
1. Trey, Mads, Cait, and Noah (left to right) haul on the mainsail topping lift
2. Robbie and Ian (left to right) crank the main halyard to pull the mainsail up
3. Lucia secures the halyard tensioner line to the pin rail