Location: Author: Edouard
After a few really fun and productive days in Les Saintes, we had a pretty relaxed day. We went from this little chain of islands to mainland Guadeloupe! It was about a four-hour journey to our destination. Our destination is a quaint little French beach riddled with dive companies and shops. This beach happens to be right across a little stretch of water from Jacques Cousteaux’s favorite dive site. After we anchored, I went to shore with Kevin and Laurie to help translate French and find a reliable mode of transportation for tomorrow’s adventure. While we were doing this, most of the crew showered and went snorkeling with a few sea turtles, who seemed to be quite curious. Once we got back, I decided to go snorkeling myself, and it was amazing! In about 20 minutes, I saw about eight turtles and followed many of them from right up close behind. It was a really cool experience, and I hope to have more like this. The rest of the day was pretty calm. The last thing we did before going to bed was greet Laurie’s sister Emma, who is going to be our tour guide on tomorrow’s adventure.