
Location: Safi, Morocco

The Argo lifestyle is fast-paced and unstoppable. We go from adventure to adventure, rarely (if ever) pausing or taking time to relax. Today provided a much-needed opportunity for just that. We spent the whole morning doing a boat appreciation (or BA), during which we mended the sails that had been recently torn and fixed up/ dried up down below. After lunch, many of us stayed behind to finish our SLD papers or start our OCE literature reviews. Others who went to shore got a tour of a pottery store and a local shopping bazaar. All in all, it was an excellent day to take a step back, recharge ourselves, and consider the fact that today is the midpoint of our voyage.

Yes, it is day 45, and with that number comes a bag of mixed emotions. On the one hand, we are excited about the adventures lurking in the next 45 days and thankful for the memories and friendships we have already formed. On the other, we wonder how 45 days went by so quickly. I remember day 9 in Cannes when I was shocked that we had already reached the one-tenth point of the trip and felt that day 45 was still eons away. It’s sad to think that there will be an end to our trip, that our friendships and continually building jokes have a termination date, but I suppose nothing gold can stay. Tomorrow, we go on to another port, another adventure, more torn sails, and more reasons to never want to leave.