Location: Savanah Bay
The second day out on the water aboard Ocean Star was not quite what the crew had in mind when signing up for Seamester. We awoke to grey skies and a light drizzle, which soon turned to a heavy downpour, forcing breakfast to be served inside. But the inclement weather did little to damper our spirit, and the thought of what excitement another day at sea would bring kept the crew enthusiastic. We took advantage of the unexpected delay and spent the time watching PADI videos to prepare for the scuba diving we would do that afternoon. The rain cleared up en route to Virgin Gorda, and the atmosphere on deck was cheerful and friendly. After successfully avoiding the reefs and dropping anchor in Savannah Bay, we got to work. The overcast skies could not keep us down, and those of us new to diving suited up and practiced open water skills while the rest of the crew got some dingy training. Once back on Ocean Star, we were awarded the very first “shower time” of the voyage. After, we ate another great dinner up on deck and continued to get to know one another a little better. I’m happy to let all of you know the voyage is off to a great start, and your loved ones could not be in better hands. I can’t wait to keep learning and experiencing new things aboard this boat and see what tomorrow brings.