
Location: Las Palma, Gran Canaria, Canaries

As watch team two was awoken at 8 am to take overwatch from team one, we didn’t expect that we would single-handedly be taking Argo into the marina in Las Palmas. But somehow, the eight students on watch team two, with some help from staff and two or three other students who couldn’t sleep, brought Argo onto the dock; the first time a watch has done this by themselves on this trip. Before we could actually get in, though, we had to wait for a boat to vacate the spot we were scheduled to have; surprisingly, we had seen the boat before in St. Tropez! However, after they left, we could move into to dock. It was an exciting moment when we realized that we were done docking with only a third of the manpower it normally takes to dock. After mustering the whole crew in the cockpit, we began the BA. The staff made a list of things that needed to get done before we start the crossing, and we have barely made a dent in it. We also celebrated Nicole’s birthday! She got specially made French toast, and the chefs, Biz, Kelly, and Aliki, prepared a fruit crumble with custard for everyone else. Then we ended the day with two classes; OCE, where we began geographical reviews and MTE where we did more chart work. Everyone is looking forward to election results tomorrow, and doing our first group dives with everyone certified! Till the next 30 days, Alex