
Location: Gibraltar

Today, we woke up at seven like any other day and had a normal breakfast like any other day. We then had a great yoga class with Nicole as our teacher. I really liked this yoga session. It woke us up and prepared us for our last day in Gibraltar. Tomorrow, we are entering the Atlantic Ocean. It will be intense and exciting. However, Argo will need fuel and provisions to cross the ocean. So today, as soon as we finished our relaxing yoga class, a few students went with Britt for provisioning while the rest of us took Argo to the fuel dock. It wasn’t much different than filling a car with fuel. Just bigger, heavier, and, of course, more fuel than what cars need… much more fuel. When we came back to the first dock we were at, some of us left for town to get their personal provisions and warm clothes for our long passage. Our galley is now full of provisions for the trip. It may last until day 90. Biggest provision on this trip! After dinner, we all gathered in the saloon and started watching a movie: 7 Years in Tibet. We haven’t finished it yet, but it is a very good movie. Can’t wait to see the rest of it. We are all very excited for our next passage. Now, we are going to get some good sleep because tomorrow is going to be a long day. I miss everyone back home. I hope everyone is having a good time. Kisses!