
Location: Andrixtol

Today marks the first complete turn of the job wheel. It is a significant moment for the crew, as it signifies that each and every one of us has completed all 26 jobs onboard, from cooking all three meals in a day to launching the dinghies to cleaning the heads. Without all those hands, there is no way Argo would look as beautiful as she does, let alone travel to exotic destinations around the globe. Today, the destination at hand was the small, quiet bay of Andrixtol. Situated on the southwest corner of Mallorca, the crystal clear waters of the bay are surrounded by stunning rocky cliffs that turn a brilliant orange during sunrise and sunset. It was a busy day for the crew, particularly the chefs, who began making dinner preparations during breakfast prep with the rolling out of freshly made pizza dough. The focal point of the day was diving. The Open Water divers submerged for their second to last training dive while the Rescue divers kicked off their training. Then, to top it off, the Advanced Open Water divers, in a few minutes, will be enjoying their first-night dive of the trip under an almost full moon.