
Location: 28*23.892' S 40*43.462' E

Hi friends!

We have finally hit movie marathon stage, with classes nearing an end. Starting with WallE the other night and moving on to a radical viewing of Surfs Up, our movie crew even has Tom ignoring his important captain duties and joining us. Penguins surfing are far more important than an oil change. If you can’t tell, animated movies are our first pick. Today our movie of choice was The Mask, gathering a crowd of Noah, Robbie, Trey, Myra, Cait, Emily, Max, and myself. During The Mask, we got interrupted by some whales! Everyone sprinted up the companionway to watch our big ocean friends say hello. We haven’t seen much wildlife recently, so it was a nice reminder of the vast ecosystem we are sailing on.

Waking up to a midnight watch last night, watch team one passed some time with a lively game of Contact. It’s safe to say we are all getting very good at telepathy. After handing over to watch team two, we got a long slumber until watch team four woke us up early to help raise the main staysail. While we were busy messing with the sails this morning, everyone else was working away on their marine biology essays that are due in just two days. As classes are coming to a close, we are all grinding to finish up the last couple of assignments to have a carefree end to passage.

After dinner tonight, instead of doing our normal squeeze with an appreciation and fun question, we had a more serious discussion. We are at the point in the passage where we all can see how close the end is, and everyone is getting a little antsy. Tom had us each admit something about ourselves that we wanted to work on or apologize for and encouraged us to “forgive” those we were sitting next to. I am thankful we had the discussion because it reignited a feeling of euphoria that we so consistently experience on this trip but have been lacking recently. With only 20 days left of the program, we have subconsciously started the count down until the program is over, although I think I can speak for most in saying we wish it would never come to end. There has been so much growth in all of us throughout the first 70 days; I can only imagine what the last 20 will bring us. I know all of us will be working to be our best selves and to continue living in the present. Doing dishes in a bucket while sliding across the deck, having five roommates, and cooking in a rolling galley are just a few of the things I will for sure not be taking for granted for the home stretch of this trip. It’s been a ride, and I have loved every part of it.

All the love to everyone back home!

See you in the sunshine,




1. Max and Dylan teaching leadership, Lucia preparing dinner in the background

2. Max and the pizza he made for dinner with the help of Emily, Lucia, and Myra

3. Seth, Fin, Dyl, Zak, Robbie, Sam, Max, Gill, Angie, and Bee after dinner