
Location: Jalouise Bay, St. Lucia

Today was fairly easy as we woke up around 7 am. After eating breakfast, we packed lunches for optional shore time on the beach of Jalousie Resort. After cleanup, we mustered in the salon for a Boat Appreciation for the upcoming dinner we were hosting with our fellow Sea|mester vessel Ocean Star. Scrubbing the deck (bow to stern), we then waxed, and rust busted. The Argo crew had her looking shiny new. Argo has done a lot for us, and after a long passage or the boarding of guests, we take care of her. Following the BA, we hopped in Boonrod and Nopadome to venture to shore. A few hours of sitting down and talking with the crew at the restaurant was cool. Returning to our home from the trip, we were soon greeted by our visitors from Ocean Star. Meeting for the first time on one boat on opposite navigations, our crew and the crew of the sister vessel met and hit it off quickly. Coming from similar situations with different islands, you get the feeling that the Caribbean changes everyone who experiences it in a different way. Ocean Star is different from Argo in that it is more of a pirate ship. The crew of Ocean Star was excited and impressed by Argo’s size and technological advances. We sat in the salon as an audience for Sonia, an SMMA (Soufriere Marine Management Association) presentation, where she discussed the world-class management St. Lucia has over its waters. Looking at the integration of the two crews, it was a nice change of scenery, with visitors sharing similar scenarios up to this point in the trip. The Big Band had a good time together, and this meeting should be an annual event. We are ending the night with more study time for our first Marine Bio Exam tomorrow while underway to Bequia. Thank you, St. Lucia.