
Location: Union Island

As the shipmates emerged slowly from the companionway, beans on cheese on toast were waiting atop the chart house. We awoke on Ocean Star, floating in the bluest waters we’ve seen yet, with a spit of white sand holding up bright green palm trees in the distance as we ate breakfast. The announcement of free time was much appreciated as we all wanted to get in the water, snorkel the reef, and play intense beach games. Some of us joined Kris in a game of running and spinning around the white sand, and others took our first underwater photos of a shallow reef. After having many classroom sessions in the salon and learning what to look out for on the coral reef, we’ve become more aware of the fragile life that exists in such a beautiful habitat. Sailing is becoming exhilarating now as we are now having competitions as to which watch team can raise the sails the fastest. After highly competitive sail raises, we learn sail techniques and sing songs about the bright sun. We’ve arrived in Union this evening, anchoring within a stone’s throw of a small restaurant in which we will be thoroughly enjoying a night out. This way of life is wild and free.