
Location: Leverick's Bay

Day 7 started early for many with morning swims and a bow workout session. As the sun rose over the horizon at Vixen Point, we started what was sure to be another action-packed day. The morning began on good foot, with the chefs going the extra mile to wake up early to toast the bagels for our excellent breakfast. After breakfast, it was clean up as usual, with an inaugural session of rust busting to keep O-Star in her astonishing state of beauty. After breakfast, the science kits came out. YAY SCIENCE !!! We learned about the various equipment aboard O-star used for science observations and experiments, including Sechi disks and the YSI, which is an electronic salinity measuring instrument. After lunch, we ventured across the bay for an OCB/OCE mangrove snorkel lab in which we gathered data by identifying the intensity of different coral types and calculated the percent amidst the quad square, which was laid on top of various sections of the red mangroves. Highlights on the snorkel were a baby barracuda and a large puffer fish. On an extremely short motor over from Vixen Point, we all enjoyed extra fresh water rinse with the short squall that attempted to impede our journey to Leverick Bay. We are currently relaxing and anxiously awaiting a meal from chef Danny, Laurie, and Meghan of chicken Parmesan, mashed potatoes, and a hearty salad. setdate:12-09-26