Location: Underway to Saba
Hello all, Skipper Rust Beard reporting, it is now day five of passage aboard Vela as we make our way to Saba. All on the 4 am to 8 am watch this morning were treated to a beautiful sunrise over the vast ocean. After being relieved, we settled down for some much-needed rest. After the morning had arrived, the day was met with a lunch of grilled cheese. After cleaning up, met with Marine Bio class to learn about the deep sea and group 2 of seamanship to continue reviewing for our upcoming navigation master exam. As we continue to sail and motor at times to our next destination, we are each working towards making the most out of our time with studying and sleeping when we can. As tomorrow approaches, so does the upcoming quiz for oceanography that everyone has been studying diligently for.
Overall, there is nothing new to note apart from increased morale through the antics of various crewmates as each embraces the weird nature that is accompanied by sea travel. As we continue on our destination, the only bit of unfortunate news is the fact that each of the crew is running out of personal snacks, making such things as potato chips and cheese puffs a desired commodity. This, however, has not been an issue because those with remaining snacks always tend to share with those around, making such issues nearly irrelevant.
hyhub wklqj lv jrhqj juhdw khuh, uxeehu edqg khoshg orwv!
Photo 1: Another Sunrise
Photo 3: This one’s for you