Location: Little San Salvador, Bahamas
Today, Argo arrived at Little San Salvador around 10:30 a.m., where we dropped anchor about a half-mile from a beautiful white sandy beach where postcards are made. Upon arrival, the crew took part in quick boat appreciation, where we cleansed Argo of all the salts that had been made home on our deck during the quick voyage from Nassau. Upon completion of B.A., we enjoyed tasty Pita sandwiches and planned for the day’s activities, which would depend on personal preference. A small group of Argonauts made the fast dingy ride to the shoreline to investigate the island, where we were greeted by hundreds of passengers from the neighboring cruise ship. After heavy negotiations with the native islanders, we were able to acquire a few bags of potato chips and Oreos. After a quick snack session, we were introduced to the island manager, who informed us that the island was privatized and could only be used by the guests of cruise ships. After radioing back to Argo, we were able to arrange a ride back to the boat and laugh about the situation. Upon arriving back to the boat, we finished our lab assignment of drawing and researching local birds that have been seen on the different islands, which made for the perfect time to reminisce about how incredibly lucky we all are to have had such an amazing experience and began getting ready for another day of scuba diving and picturesque views.