
Location: Tyrrel Bay, Carriacou

Today was our first and last complete day at Tyrrel Bay in Carriacou, and it was quite the day. First, we woke up to a surprising fire alarm (no worries, it was just a drill). Shortly after, we had a delicious breakfast cooked by our chefs. Then after a brief chat about boat cleanliness, we rallied ourselves and cleaned the boat, after which we went ashore to take a tour with Mr. Linky. After about a one-and-a-half-hour tour around the island, we had some shore time to eat and explore the town. While we were eating, I taught some of the crew some History and some light Mythology (we were watching the movie Troy, which was playing in the restaurant). When we arrived back on the boat, we watched the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie so we could get pumped to see Jack Sparrow Isle in a couple of days. After a delicious dinner, we watched an interesting documentary about the giant squid. All in all, it was an interesting day that was altogether full of excitement and intrigue.