
Location: Marigot Bay, St. Lucia

It was a very early start for Ocean Star’s crew, and as the rising sun hit the side of Petit Piton, we slipped the lines holding us to the mooring and began motoring north. As the peaks of the Pitons faded behind us, we started our day with awesome homemade granola bars, yogurt, and cups of strong coffee. It was a relatively short motor to O Star’s next stop, Marigot Bay, a small hurricane hole with a large affluent resort. Navigating through the twisty channel and dodging other vessels, Ocean Star made her way into Marigot bay to pick up a mooring ball on the innermost side of the harbor. Once our mooring pennants were secure on the bow, we also led lines from the stern to another ball behind us to prevent Ocean Star from swinging in the crowded mooring field. After a long SLS discussion on gender roles in society, the shipmates got ready to go to shore. This shore excursion was a little different from our usual adventures as the crew had the opportunity to enjoy the amenities of the Capella Resort and spent the afternoon sipping cappuccinos and smoothies, lounging by the pool, and getting the internet for contacting home and working on upcoming assignments. After an awesome dinner of homemade chili and cornbread, everyone threw on their fancy clothes for a night out on the town.