
Location: Underway to Mauritius

Apenases el tercer dia de camino a Mauritius, pero ya casi es la mitad del viaje.Empezamos a tener examenes parciales de todas las materias, y no hemos vistobarcos, ni ningun movimiento al rededor. Poca gente tiene la oportunidad deestar tan lejos de la civilicacion, con miles de kilometros a la redonda sinnada. Aunque el mar se empieza a poner cada vez mas agresivo y el barco semueve mas, todos estamos emocionados e inquietos de ver que nos espera estassiguientes semanas de no tocar ni ver tierra. Hoy no pescamos nada pero comimosmuy rico.

Just the third day on the way to Mauritius, but it is almost half the trip. We started to have partial exams of all subjects, and we have not seen boats or any movement around. Few people have the opportunity to be so far from civilization, with thousands of kilometers around. Although the sea is becoming increasingly aggressive and the ship is moving more, we are all excited and restless to see what awaits us these next weeks of not touching or seeing land. Today we do not fish anything, but we eat very richly.