
Location: Puerta Ayora, Santa Cruz, Galapagos

Wake up today was a little late (surprise, surprise, I overslept), but since it was a diving day, everyone got ready quickly and shoveled down some cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Half of us loaded onto a water taxi and headed to land for our second day of diving. Niko and I had a great conversation on the 45-minute bus ride to the dive boats, talking about how different experiences that one goes through provides unique appreciations for various aspects of life and the ways in which this adventure we are on right now will impact how we look at life moving forward. We hopped on our boats and headed to Gordon Rocks and Seymour. As my dive group was descending, sea lions were playing with the bubbles from our regulators, while spotted eagle rays flew past, and two curious scalloped hammerheads came about 5 feet away from Giselle and me to check out who these creatures invading their space were. These first five minutes set a precedent for the rest of the dive. A school of over 50 hammerheads surrounded us, spotted eagle ray schools flew past every 10 minutes, turtles saying hello from left and right, a hugeeee school of yellowfin tuna made a quick appearance before realizing we were not very fun and left, dolphins playing with the boat and jumping so close to us that they would hit our feet that were dangling off the side. I have never been so contently overwhelmed in my life. Giselle and I were just squeezing each other the entire time, trying to remain calm while we were absolutely losing our minds with excitement. Overall an absolutely incredible and truly indescribable day.

While half of us were diving, the other half were on the boat doing school work, boat projects, and just hanging out. They also went for a much-needed snack run in preparation for the upcoming 5-week passage to Fiji. Tomorrow they will be diving after we get our Covid tests, and I hope they have equally, if not more, spectacular of a time as we did (although I don’t think it could get any better than what we experienced :)).

T-2 days until we depart for Fiji!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. for those who are wondering how my phone situation is (because I am sure that’s all anyone has been thinking about), I got a new phone in Panama City, and we’re taking bets on how long this one’s going to last before it too ends up in the ocean. Don’t worry, I’ll let everyone know how she’s doing next time I’m Skipper 🙂

Pictured: One of many sharks swimming around Argo during sunset; the dolphins off of the bow of our dive boat; one of the many schools of fish we swam through; HAMMERHEADS; Giselle and I before diving; leaving Gordons Rocks; the sleepiest little sea lion ever


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