Location: English Harbour, Antigua
Waking up wasn’t hard this morning, knowing we would be setting sail for Antigua. The staff had been talking up the island for quite some time with claims that the island holds “everything your heart could desire.” Safe to say, we were feeling giddy to arrive. We started the morning by getting our beautiful Ocean Star all prepped before breakfast. Therefore as soon as we were done getting some energy for the day, we set off for Antigua. We sailed into the afternoon, enjoying the sun (a bit too much for us less fortunate with our SPF applications) and good conversations. Some of us reflected upon how fast our time has gone on this voyage; it’s too hard to believe we have less than a month left on our Ocean Star. Towards the latter part of the afternoon, we took down our sails and prepared to enter the harbor. Already I could tell this was going to be an amazing stop- boats were everywhere! And none of them were too hard on the eyes either. With our eye candy yachts in view, we settled into a spot on the dock and gave Ocean Star a light cleaning to impress the neighbors. We raised our “Seamester” flag, proud of our lady schooner. We then did a light exploration of the area, took showers, and came back for a delicious dinner. With the glimpses we’ve seen thus far, we are all eager as can be to get to know this island better in the upcoming week!