
Location: Princess Margaret Bay, Bequia

A St. Vincent sunrise was obscured by light rain in the early morning of July 23rd. The crew of Ocean Star awoke still weary from the fun night of board games that kept everyone awake well into the night. Everyones drying laundry on the lifelines were unfortunately resoaked by the rain, but the delicious french toast made by our wonderful chefs helped cheer everyone up! After breakfast, the first dive group prepared to complete their Underwater Navigation dive for advanced open water while the second group watched the extremely entertaining emergency first responder videos. The first group’s dive went well, and everyone managed to not get lost! The same cannot be said for the second dive group, in which compasses were apparently ‘not functioning correctly.

Today was also provision day, which means our fridge and cabinets are restocked with food, and there are snacks to eat. All tasks were halted when Teagan and Kris brought up the tub of brownie ice cream that slowly turned into brownie soup as everyone slurped up scoop after scoop!

After all the dives were completed, we secured the dinghies and left the beautiful harbor of St. Vincent, where we have spent the past couple of days. The skipper today (me) bravely navigated rough waters and safely parked Ocean Star in Princess Margaret Bay. We watched the moon rise as we ate our meals and joked about Ocean Star the Musical. As the day winds down, people are excitedly talking about the first venture into land tomorrow, which will be the first in 18 days! There is so much excitement to look forward to in the last few weeks as the crew of Ocean Star.


1. Morning drizzle captured by Cleo on the 5:00-6:00 anchor watch
2. Maria and Jackie serving looks and food in the galley
3. Maria’s innovative strategy for cutting onions
4. The crew fiending over ice cream
5. Cleo driving ocean star to Bequia
6. Jotaro! Dio! – a standoff
7. its da boiz
8. Dive crew number 2!

p.s I love everyone at home and miss you!!