
Location: Tenerife, Canaries

Today was an awesome day! We woke up, as always, really early, had a delicious breakfast, and went directly to oceanography class, where people presented their projects. After this, we all split off for a free day. Some of us went walking around the city of Tenerife, others went to the beach, and the most awesome ones went provisioning! After a long time in the supermarket, we finally sent off our 8 full caddies of groceries to be delivered to the boat. When the delivery arrived, we all had a really fun time putting all the food away! Then, at dinner time, we all had to count our more embarrassing baby stories, which was, for some of us, pretty embarrassing. Later we are taking the Emergency First Responder test that we’re all going to pass, hopefully… Tonight we are having a free night, consisting of enjoying the city, laundry time, or sleeping time.