
Location: St. John's Harbour, Antigua

The day started out so normal-ish. Except for that, a few students had decided that due to the coronavirus, it was best for them to return home. It felt unreal to not have a complete crew. But this morning, we were all still together and well. We ate breakfast while Tim put on his fanciest customs clothes and went on land to clear us into Antigua. When he came home, we were told that we ALL had to go to our land home. Then everyone cried for a very long time. I wasn’t quite sure how to write a blog for a day like this. None of us expected such news. But like we always do when it rains on our parade – we made the best of it. And went swimming, of course. We told many of our favorite memories, confessed boat secrets, and appreciated the journey. We also made sure to perfect our backflips, knowing how little time we have left here since many flights have been booked for tomorrow. Tim, who never knows what to do when people cry, read us a bedtime story (“Oh the Places You’ll Go”) to end the night. Yes, our trip was cut short, but it doesn’t make it any less sweet. Just like this blog post because I hear people playing games in the salon and I’m getting major FOMO.

P.S. As many of you avid S/Y Argo fans know, Allie is the best writer ever. She wrote a little note in the Argo guest book for all the lucky people who get to call this home in the future. She’s put it better than I ever could. I wanted to steal it and use it as the blog, but that’s plagiarism, and we don’t do that here on Sea|mester. So instead, I’m posting a picture of what she wrote.