Location: Cartagena, Spain
This day was very relaxing and fun. We started our second day in Cartagena at 7 with a delicious coffee cake made by the talented Taylor! The sun hadnt risen by the time we ate breakfast, but that didnt stop us from jumping into the day with jobs after breakfast. After cleanup, we had a species identification quiz in Marine Biology. The quiz was on Mediterranean marine species, many of which we had previously seen while snorkeling, diving, or sailing. Then, we put Argo into dive mode! We did this by bringing out all of the dive gear so that we would be ready to dive after lunch. We got everything done quickly, so we had some free time before lunch. For lunch, we had potato, coconut curry and rice. It was also delicious!
After lunch, the people who hadnt finished getting open water certified did their final dive. The rest of us stayed on the boat and hung out until the divers came back. A lot of people made friendship bracelets in the salon, and others soaked up the sun on deck. I took a nap, did some school work, and hung out in the salon. When the divers came back, we went to shore to explore Cartagena. We walked around the marbled streets and appreciated the beautiful architecture, especially the balconies on the apartment-style building. We also loaded up on snacks – a necessity for all of us, especially Xavi. We came back to the boat for dinner, which was chicken tacos with guacamole. It was Siennas birthday today, so we wished her happy birthday and celebrated with Dels amazing peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and Daisys scrumptious apple crisp! After cleanup, we had some more shore time. The city was glowing, and the breeze felt very nice. Im excited for more days in lovely Cartagena. 🙂
– McGee
Love and miss you, Mom, Dad, Nick, and Leo!