
Location: Roatan, Honduras

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. It was the beginning of the end of the infamous Argo snack brigade. Ill-advised snacking down below has brought a plague upon us. But never fear, the Argonauts can keep their snacks just as long as they are kept in a communal snack bin and only eaten on deck. Charlotte was especially reluctant to give up her snack stash to the communal pile, and Carter made sure to cover his snack bag with duct tape. Not being the kind to dwell on the negative, the Argonauts had a fantastic day. Half of the group went diving and passed their deep and naturalist dives on the way to getting their advanced open water certifications. On our deep dive, we witnessed colors change at depth, while on our naturalist dive, we saw countless vertebrates (parrotfish, blue tang, grouper) and invertebrates (squid, moray eel, aero shrimp) and made sure to not ride the sea turtles or kick the coral. The other shipmates ventured far and wide, visiting an iguana farm and the world’s longest zip line along the way. During the squeeze, we learned that half of the crew claims to not be superstitious but still knocks on wood and afterward enjoyed a delicious paella and steak meal thanks to Matty and our generous neighbors on the Belissimo. Post dinner, we experienced intense deja vu as our lab consisted of dissection of squids, similar to those we had seen diving earlier. I guess we know which ones are the lucky ones. Thank you, and good night.