
Location: Rodney Bay, St Lucia

Every time I’m skipper, I set an alarm to wake up early so I can set my phone up to play music and wake everybody up, but unfortunately, I forgot to set my alarm the night before and got up a bit late. It all worked out, though, with everybody getting up on time and me being thankful that I hadn’t completely forgotten to wake people up. After this slightly late wake-up, everyone came up on deck for Celia’s breakfast, which was frogs in a pond. Celia and others insist that it is actually called toad in a hole, and Johnny calls it egg in a hole, but they are all very misguided. After cleaning up, we all headed down below for Marine Biology, where Steve taught us about the conservation of marine plants and animals. Then, in preparation for our rescue diver course, we practiced skills that we learned for our emergency responder certification, attempting to bandage each other in a scenario where we were cut by the dreaded widow-maker. We then had some free time before lunch, where some people went swimming for the first time at our new anchorage (Addisen even saw an octopus!). For lunch, we had Mediterranean bowls, which were great as usual. After lunch, we settled in for another extra-long seamanship class, where we practiced plotting more points on charts. Erin, Katie, and Meg struggled greatly with this and threatened to leave the class. After watching another video for our Emergency First Responder certification, we had chicken rice soup for dinner.

It is Keaton, and I am back again. Here to take over Tophs’s blog and fulfilling my promise from yesterday. We are only minutes away from shaving Max’s head. He is nowhere to be found. Did he get cold feet? Maybe he got nervous after I told him that my mom texted me to tell me he would look cute with a buzz. Maybe the fact that I told him he had a symmetrical face is the thing that scared him off. Nevertheless, we will find him. Everyone will gather and watch his sandy blonde locks fall to the ground as the sides get short. He asked me to tell you yesterday that it will not be a buzz and that it will be a neat and tidy or something like that. I honestly don’t remember what he said, but I told him that I would pass on the message. Chris (trusty old Tophs (my bestie from the midwestie)), who is standing next to me reading his blog that I have taken over and has reminded me that the haircut is called a high and tight. Addisen is the barber today, so send good thoughts and maybe kind compliments regardless of how it turns out. Pictures to come in Meg’s blog, so stay tuned and check back in tomorrow.

Picture 1: Studious seamester students practicing charting.
Picture 2: Addisen sitting on the bowsprit.
Picture 3: Dishy pit!
Picture 4: Sam and Ash going for a swim.
Picture 5: Henry chowing down on ramen from his water bottle.