
Location: Underway to Caribbean

I started my day early with an 8-12 AM watch along with watch team 2 after the sun had just risen. The beginning of watch went slowly as we motored along with just the main and forward staysail up, but then an unexpected turn got us on our feet: the wind started to pick up! Calum made the call to raise more sails, and we quickly got to work. As watch team leader for the morning, Gordon directed our sail raise, and we split up to raise the main. In no time at all, we had sweated the main sail up and then moved on to finish the fish and the jib. Five sails up, the main, the staysail, the fish, and the jib, such a beautiful sight to behold! Unfortunately, the excitement lasted all of 30 minutes before the wind died down again, and we had to strike the jib and the fish. After lunch, we struck the main sail and went down to the salon for class. We talked about the deep sea in marine biology and all the crazy fish that live there, like bioluminescent angler fish and gulper eels that can unhinge their jaws to swallow other fish larger than themselves. Next class we started our oceanography lit review presentations and got through a few of them before breaking for dinner. Once dinner was finished, I came straight to the chart house to write this blog, the one that you are now reading, and I am continuing to write as I think about you reading these words. Alright, I’m going to stop myself before I take this too far. Goodnight!