Location: Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean
My morning began at 3:30 am when my cabin-mate and Watch Team 3 member Ben woke me up with his usual shake and wave under a red headlamp light. We always use red lights at night while underway so that it doesnt affect our night vision. I then proceeded to start the boat check alongside Mac L. All crew onboard participated in conducting boat checks every hour to check essential parts of Vela, from bilges to rigging to equipment, engine room, and more. Typically, us staff members begin the first boat check of the 4-hour watch shift, and then the students conduct the rest of them.
I donned my PFD type 5 and climbed up the chart house companionway ladder to the cockpit. The waning but full-ish moon illuminated Vela and the ocean around us. It was very bright, as if floodlights were on. I could clearly see the moonlit faces of Watch Team 3, which consisted of Smash, Ben, Max, Mac R., Grace N., Eliza, James, Cat, Luke, and Theo, who was doing a bit which they all were silent (which is unusual because we all greet each other) and was slightly unnerving. When all of us from watch Team 1 (Mac L., Talia, Chloe, Boston, Eduardo, Grace C., Brendan, Ruby, Watson, and I) joined the cockpit after our usual meeting at Midships, Watch Team 3 remained silent and left in unison, which was funny and strangely efficient. We all thought it was a military bit they were doing, and they, therefore, succeeded in confusing/pranking us. It was probably some retaliation after Max, Boston, and I carried out our mischievous plan the previous night of hoisting a creepy elf on the shelf on the flag halyard, almost all the way up to the spreaders about 15-20ft high. All of us on Watch Team 1 were in on it together, and although Watch Team 2 never saw this creepy thing in the dark, it successfully scared Watch Team 3 when Smash asked James to check out the weird shape on the flag halyard during their 4-8 am watch yesterday. James was so startled when he saw it he sent the creepy elf right back up the halyard, even higher than before. Sorry, James, that youre the scary end of the prank again, but you are always good-natured and positive about everything!
In other words, all of us onboard are officially in a time warp now. We dont know how long weve been out here or what day of the week it is. We dont know if something funny from watch happened yesterday morning, two days ago, or even the previous watch. Everything just flows in a cycle with the watch, sleep, meals, class, and little hobbies, studying, chatting, games, or naps in between. This time warp flow is one of the cool things about being underway because you cant really have this feeling anywhere else except true wilderness or disconnection from the internet/signal, such as the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. The last crossing I did on Vela with Emma, Tom, and Mac L. in Summer 2024, the time warp started around day 5 or so, and a few of us on this voyage were time-warped already a few days ago.
Watch this morning was another fun-filled four hours of laughs, chats, and a podcast by sailor Andy Schell called On the Wind. Also, Brendan, with his skilled and hilarious impressions of Harry Potter characters, actors, and Lords of the Rings characters. His Smeagol is the best Ive seen. We have been having loads of fun on watch, which is really making the passage go by fast. I think every single time we gather in the cockpit, we have a belly-aching laugh at least a few times. And this morning, Grace C. helmed for all 4 hours! We were very proud of her! Also, I ran out of toothpaste today, and Ruby kindly offered me her second tube, which I gave in return for 2 euros and a bag of blueberry tea bags. The bartering started as some of us ran out of our favorite snacky items, or in my case, an essential item that I did not anticipate my current tube to run out quickly.
After watch, most of us went back to sleep for a power nap and woke up to enticing scents from the galley where the Galley team was working hard (Grace C., Smash, Mac R.) making turkey apple sandwiches and homemade chai tea. I am always excited when Grace C., Smash, and Mac R. are in the galley; they make delicious food, and we have similar tastes! Audrey and Amy generously dedicated their time to making us naan, which was such a treat (thank you both so much!!!!). Watch Team 2 (Audrey, Jesse, Amy, Emma, Claire, Lillian, Liam, Elis, Lukas, and Dan) put up the sails, and now we are sailing again at a steady 5 knots. Yay! The students then had Marine Biology with Ben, followed by Seamanship with Mac L. and Claire.
We then spent the afternoon on deck in the sun and had a delicious curry dinner made by the Galley Team with amazing naan by Max many have said the best yet!
I cant believe it has been another 30 days since I was skipper. It has flown by. Thus, it will be my last time blogging on this voyage and during my current contract! Seamester, thank you for the opportunity. Thank you, Vela, for being our lovely home. It has been a dream and an absolute blast. I learned so much about sailing and ocean passages. Big thank you to Tom, Smash, the office staff, the staff onboard, and our shipmates who have made the job awesome. I may be back for a voyage or two in the future after some more manta research in southern Africa! Until then, fair winds and happy sailing!
Love Mich fish
PS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (for tomorrow) LIZ GLASS!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of you for everything you have accomplished this year, and I cant wait to celebrate you when I see you in a month!!! Did I stutter????? (the office)
PSS. Sending big love to friends and family around the world. I cant wait to see many of you in only a month from now and even more in January!!!