
Location: Statia

Today, we made our way from the lovely island of Saba to Statia. We had a 3-hour passage in the morning with loads of squalls and waves crashing over Vela’s bow. It was quite a whirlwind, especially when both six stacks (where the boys sleep) got drenched in waves through their hatches. Well, we made it here in one piece with a bit of sleep for most of the students and a lot of music and studying for the rest of us. We have our last assignment ever for the course of this trip today. It’s an Oceanography final that is worth 20% of our grade. I feel confident that all of us will do well since there hasn’t been a single moment I haven’t heard someone studying or reviewing either what El Nino is or what side of an island is more rainy. Personally, this unit has been one of the most interesting. I think it has the most to do with sailing conditions, which is what I am most passionate about. Other than all the studying that went on today, all the students went to shore to check out this little island and town within. Frida, Sophia, Emma, and I walked up to the fort, which also turned out to be such a cute town. All the places were closed from 3-5 pm (weird!); however, we made friends with many goats, a big dog, and a small cat named Meesh! After our time on shore, we came back to take a deck shower in the rain and then get very cozy in our follies and fleeces. Thats about it for today, only eight days left on board and I am so sad to leave but also excited to see all of my family.

Signing off for the last time- Arielle

PS: Mom, Dad, and Asa, I miss you all, and I can’t wait to see you so soon!